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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is a professional, objective, visual examination of the overall condition of a home. The findings, covered in each detailed inspection report, will provide the home buyer valuable information and the confidence needed to make a well-informed purchasing decision. An inspection will cover a visual examination of the building from top to bottom. The inspector evaluates and reports the condition of the structure, roof, foundation, drainage, grading, plumbing, heating system, central air-conditioning system, visible insulation, walls, windows, and doors.

What is Not Part of a Home Inspection

A home inspection is not a code compliance inspection nor does it cover any area which is not exposed or any items that maybe concealed. The inspection does not include any destructive testing or dismantling, It is not intended to determine the property value. It does not protect a client from future failure of any system or components and is not intended as an insurance policy.

Can a Property "Fail" a Home Inspection?

No. A professional home inspection is simply an examination into the current condition of your prospective property. It is not an appraisal or a Municipal Code inspection. A home inspector, therefore, will not pass or fail a building, but will simply describe its condition and indicate which items will be in need of minor or major repairs or replacement.

Why Do I Need An Inspection?

If the inspector finds problems in a home, it does not mean you shouldn’t buy it.  Only that you will know in advance what type of repairs to anticipate.  A seller may be willing to make repairs because of significant problems discovered by the inspector or a price concession.  If your budget is tight, or if you do not wish to become involved in future repair work, you may decide that this is not the property for you.

Should I Attend The Inspection?

It is not necessary for you to be present during the inspection.  All findings, along with pictures will be presented in the written report of the home that is sent to you withing 24 hours, but typically delivered the day of inspection.  Our reports are easy to understand and we’ll be more than happy to go over any questions you have once you’ve read the evaluation.  However, we welcome clients on the inspection and feel that the ability to observe and ask questions during a post inspection walkthrough is extremely valuable.

It’s Brand New…What Could be Wrong?

It is ill advised to forego a home inspection on a newly constructed house, regardless of how conscientious and reputable your home builder.  No home, regardless of how well it is constructed, is totally free of defects.  The construction of a house involves thousands of details, performed at the hands of scores of individuals.  No general contractor can possibly oversee every one of these elements, and the very nature of human fallibility dictates that some mistakes and oversights will occur, even when the most talented and best-intentioned tradespeople are involved.  It is also an unfortunate aspect of modern times that some builders/developers do not stand behind their workmanship and may not return to fix or replace defective components installed after the sale is complete. 

What should I do if I feel something has been missed on the inspection?

Before any repairs are made (except emergency repairs), call the inspector to discuss the problem. Many times a “trip charge” can be saved by explaining the problem to the inspector who can answer the question over the telephone. This also gives the inspector a chance to promptly handle any problems that may have been overlooked in the inspection.

How Long will the Inspection Take?

The square footage, age, and condition of a home all factor in to the length of the inspection.  Typical inspections last between 3-6 hours.  There is no cut-off time for an inspection, as we guarantee that we will always allow enough time to ensure that you receive a thorough home inspection.

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